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Beatunes 5 2 64

Creating playlists is an art. BeaTunes helps you find the right songs for whatever playlist project you are working on. Starting with one song, it can suggest matching songs following your own rules—or even build a whole playlist. 64-Bit Windows: 27.8.2020: beaTunes-5-2-13-i586.exe: 304.752.648bytes: 32-Bit Windows: Questions? Check out the FAQ and the support forum. Looking for older beaTunes. Tagtraum Industries beaTunes 5.2.10 (x86/x64)-P2P Posted on at 09:01 in Applications, Windows by Silva P2P group has released the newest build of “Tagtraum Industries beaTunes” for windows. BeaTunes 5 is a great tool for Mac and PC that helps you to improve, correct, update and manage your music files. It aims to take away the stress of manually checking the metadata of a huge number of tracks, and it does so with just a few clicks. It will help you create effective playlists and Beatport integration is music to DJ’s ears.

beaTunes not only allows you to correct name errors for artists, albums or song titles from the iTunes library, it can also be used to create intelligent playlists generated with a melody used as a model.
To do this, beaTunes needs to first analyze the complete iTunes library: calculating the value of stats like BPM, key and tonality of each song; then filling out the missing metadata from each of the songs.
The playlists that beaTunes creates can use base criteria such as BPM, the key, the year or the genre of the song. The metadata are obtained from the web service MusicIP.com.
Other functions that can be carried out with beaTunes are: find and eliminate duplicate files, as well as locating lags between songs from the same album and year of publication or same artists and genre.
Beatunes 5 2 64 bit

Beatunes 5 2 64 +


Beatunes 5 2 64 Bit

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